• Diversity Summit 2018, Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce, Montgomery Chamber, MGMChamber, Montgomery Alabama, Diversity & Inclusion
  • Nika-White.png
    Nika White Consulting
    The Intentional Inclusionist™

    Dr. Nika White’s professional career spans about 20 years, ranging from serving as a diversity and inclusion practitioner, an accomplished marketing communications executive, economic development leader and community advocate. Dr. White found inspiration through the intersection of business, diversity and leadership, and has made this her niche. She is a nationally sought-after consultant, thought leader, and speaker to countless organizations and executives on issues of team engagement, organizational leadership, strategic diversity, and intentional inclusion. In 2017, Dr. White launched Nika White Consulting to focus on delivering subject matter expertise in the diversity and inclusion space to organizations throughout the country.

    Dr. White demonstrates her influence in the marketplace and the community with awards like SC Career Woman of the Year, SC Upstate Business Journal Who’s Who, US Small Business Association’s SC Minority Business Advocate of the Year, Greenville Business Magazine 50 Most Influential, and national recognition by The Network Journal Magazine as Top 40 Under 40 Leaders and Diversity MBA Magazine as Top 100 Under 50 Executives.

    Dr. White is a graduate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Institute of Organization Management (IOM), a milestone consisting of 96 credit hours of nonprofit instruction focusing on professional growth and development. Dr. White is a Certified Diversity Executive (CDE) through the Institute for Diversity Certification (IDC) which has conferred globally-recognized professional credentials to Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) practitioners in all sectors. The IDC CDE program is based on industry standards and best practices, as well as designed to encourage excellence and achievement.

    Dr. White is the author of The Intentional Inclusionist™ a book for leaders who desire to grow as inclusion-minded individuals and exercise their leadership to enhance the workplace, build communities, and have a positive impact on any circle of influence to which they belong. Dr. White’s book, inspired by philosophies of leadership and inclusion, contains principles to help individuals become more intentional in how diversity and inclusion is understood and practiced at the individual level. The book is designed to help leaders recognize that collective efforts, one person at a time, can change the way the entire world looks at human difference. Learn more at nikawhite.com.

  • Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce
    600 S. Court St, P.O. Box 79
    Montgomery, Alabama 36101
    Tel: 334.834.5200   Fax: 334.265.4745

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