Montgomery Business Journal
Melissa Johnson WarnkeTuesday, October 23, 2018Montgomery’s arts organizations play a key role in our city’s success and quality of life. With an economic impact well into the tens of millions of dollars, the arts are uniquely intertwined in our development, vibrancy and future growth. Read more(0) CommentsMelissa Johnson WarnkeMonday, September 3, 2018A historic Montgomery attraction has added an intriguing new offering to the city’s lodging options while bringing new awareness to a cultural treasure. Read more(0) CommentsMonday, July 2, 2018A band with Montgomery roots is taking off in a big way and shining some of its spotlight back on its hometown. Read more(0) CommentsTuesday, May 1, 2018There are multiple diverse ways to make the most of Montgomery’s liquid asset. Read more(0) CommentsThursday, March 1, 2018Montgomery’s beloved baseball team has new owners up at the plate, and they’ve got plans to hit a real homerun here by deepening the bond between the Biscuits and the community. Read more(0) CommentsWendi LewisMonday, January 1, 2018We asked a few area leaders the tools they use and topics they tout to “sell” our city. Montgomery is always looking to draw visitors and events to town, to bring students to study at our academic institutions and to entice new businesses to locate here while also encouraging existing companies to expand. Read more(0) CommentsWendi LewisWednesday, November 1, 2017What makes a location “home?” For some, it means a place where they were born and raised; a place they might leave for a time but is always in their heart and on their mind. For others, home is a feeling and a revelation and about finding a way to make their mark. For these three young people, Montgomery is home in every sense, and they’re excited about making a life and a difference here. Read more(0) CommentsWendi LewisFriday, September 1, 2017For the last decade there’s been increased activity downtown, but now people aren’t just heading to the center of the city to catch a baseball game, walk the riverfront or grab a bite. They’re going downtown to live. Read more(0) CommentsWendi LewisFriday, September 1, 2017Take a bite out of the capital city and get out there to #EatMGM during this year’s Montgomery Restaurant Week. Read more(0) CommentsJennifer Stewart KornegayMonday, May 1, 2017Chris’ Hot Dogs turned 100 years old on May 1; the milestone birthday marks a century of tasty business in downtown Montgomery. If you ask Costas “Gus” Katechis, current owner of Chris’ Hot Dogs and grandson of its founder, how many hot dogs the restaurant sells in a day, he’ll tell you, “If we had time to count, we wouldn’t be here!” Read more(0) CommentsCategories- Montgomery Business Journal - Member Profiles (89)
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