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  • Local Dealerships in the Spotlight

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    Ingram and McConnell were both on the national stage last year

    MBJ Forrest McConnell and Ray Ingram

    Forrest McConnell
    McConnell Honda/Acura

    Driving the Economy: Impact of Automotive Dealers is Taken for Granted

    Veteran automotive dealer Forrest McConnell III feels that his fellow dealers are a misunderstood group and perhaps an underappreciated group as well. more

    Ray Ingram
    Jack Ingram Motors, Inc.

    Service-Driven Business: Community Service is Paramount at Jack Ingram

    The array of shiny new cars on display in one of Jack Ingram Motors many showrooms is certainly eye-catching, but something even more impressive can be found upstairs in the hallway just outside company president Ray Ingram’s office: the portraits of his parents Jack and Lucille Ingram who started this family business more than 50 years ago. more


  • Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce
    600 S. Court St, P.O. Box 79
    Montgomery, Alabama 36101
    Tel: 334.834.5200   Fax: 334.265.4745

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