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  • 'Success B4 the Nest' -- Offers ASU's 2023 Freshmen and Their Parents Valuable Info to Transition into Successful Hornets Over a Period of Virtual Workshops

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    November 07, 2022
    A new initiative titled “Success B4 the Nest” starts on Dec. 3 (Saturday) with the purpose of getting all newly accepted members of Alabama State University's 2023 freshman class (and their parents/guardians) to participate in a virtual one-hour series of workshops. The sessions will allow participants to receive valuable information to help incoming students transition successfully to the University in the Fall of 2023.
    ASU's assistant vice president of Student Affairs/Student Success Units, Dr. Ronda Westry, explains that “Success B4 the Nest” workshops will cover a wide range of topics that are important for freshmen class members to master. Sessions will meet virtually from 11 a.m. - Noon (CST) on select Saturdays (check out the link below for specific dates) to offer ASU freshmen and their parents or guardians insightful and important information to help the students succeed at the college level.
    "Students and families don't plan to fail during their first year in college; however, failing to plan for success can be detrimental to a freshman student’s college career according to research," said Westry, who also is the University's director of Retention and oversees ASU's Academic Center for Educational Success (ACES).
    ASU's “Success B4 the Nest” is an initiative to increase the likelihood of success during a student's first year at ASU. 
    "One hour just once a month is a small amount of time to invest in what can be a large success in a student's freshmen year in school," Westry stated.
    Topics covered range from understanding and attending Alabama State University as an investment, financial aid and literacy, choosing the right major that leads to a student's career path, and developing pride as a member of the Hornet Nation family. 
    "Students who complete the entire workshop series will receive a $100 waiver toward the fee for New Student Orientation," Westry shared. "Additionally, workshop participants will be among the first students to receive their fall schedule."

    To sign-up for the virtual workshops, please click on this link:  https://tinyurl.com/5n7vyr5a
    For more information on “Success B4 the Nest,” visit New Student Virtual Orientation 2023 | Alabama State University (alasu.edu)
    News media contact: Kenneth Mullinax, 334-229-4104.
    Kenneth Mullinax, Media Relations & Public Information Director
    kmullinax@alasu.edu, (334) 229-4104
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